Specialist programs
Find out about the specialist programs our school offers.
Physical Education
In Physical Education, students cultivate bonds with their peers and their environment. They develop and refine their fundamental movement skills, encompassing both fine and gross motor abilities through engaging in outdoor activities, and understand the positive effects on their well-being. Moreover, they acquire specialized abilities specific to various games, sports, and physical endeavours, all while embracing the diverse array of games from a range of cultures.
In Science, students use critical and creative thinking skills and challenge themselves to ask and form questions and discover evidence-based conclusions.
Science learning is organised under 3 strands that are interrelated.
Science understanding – This strand comprises 4 sub-strands. Biological sciences, Earth and space sciences, physical sciences and chemical sciences. Students learn science knowledge that has been established over time. They learn to predict, explain and apply knowledge.
Science as a human endeavour – Students learn about the nature, development, use of and influence of science.
Science inquiry – Students learn to question, predict, plan, conduct, process, model, analyse, evaluate and communicate through science learning.
Languages other than Engligh (LOTE)
The Italian program at Angle Vale Primary School is a weekly 50-minute lesson where students participate in comprehension and communication of the Italian language. The language is introduced through a general theme and is reinforced through songs, actions, games, repetition of teacher-modelled language and a wide range of aural, oral, and written tasks. Students are encouraged to take risks in speaking in Italian as well as coaching and praising each other.
The goals of the Italian program are to develop both a positive attitude towards language learning and their Italian language skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. It aims to improve the students’ knowledge of the Italian culture and increase their understanding of how culture shapes and extends the learners’ understanding of themselves, their heritage, values, beliefs, culture, and identity. English literacy is also reinforced when learning Italian grammar and maths concepts are also revised during relevant topics.
Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)
HASS is an abbreviation for Humanities And Social Sciences. In past years this subject has been re labelled as History and Geography, Social Studies or SOSE (Studies of Society and Environment).
Throughout our HASS learning program the aim is to extend each student’s investigation skills using question starters and applying evidence based research skills to present and record their understandings.
Topics covered:
- family diversity
- lifestyles past and present,
- significant days of Australia’s history
- acknowledging ancestral customs and special events
- impact of technology past and present
- recycling
- forms of Government
Aboriginal Historical and Cultural Cross Curriculum
Our school is working towards embedding this Curriculum Priority following the guidelines of the Australian Curriculum. We employ an Aboriginal Education Teacher (AET) and an Aboriginal Community Education Officer (ACEO) to work collaboratively with the whole school community and support the learning programs and initiatives in classrooms.
This framework includes
- Identifying the diversity of the many distinct First Nations People which includes acknowledging their significant contributions locally, nationally and globally.
- Building an understanding of their sophisticated economic and social organisation systems. This is explored through the family and kinship structures, laws, traditions, customs and land tenure systems, both past and present.
- In broad terms, consequences of historical episodes in Australia are discussed in a safe, honest and unbiased environment.
Through this Australian Curriculum focus, students learn that contemporary First Nations Australian communities are strong, resilient, rich and diverse. It also allows Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to see themselves and their cultures reflected in the curriculum.